Casella is a regional solid waste resource management company with operating locations in the State of Connecticut:
- Hauling operations serving businesses and households
- Municipal transfer stations and drop-off facilities for solid waste and recycling
- One Zero-Sort (single stream) recycling facility
- One Mattress recycling facility (one of only two in Connecticut registered with the Mattress Recycling Council)
- We manage thousands of tons of solid waste in the state, including the recovery of traditional recyclables, pre-consumer recyclables, mattresses, and more
- We proudly employ many environmental service professionals

Over 507,109 tons
Solid Waste, Recyclables & Organics
The Materials We Manage

Total Registered Trucks
Our Fleet

Commercial Businesses & Households
Our Customers

Number of Employees
Salaries & Payroll Taxes
Our Team

2022 Data
What We Do
Recycling provides an example of the collaboration involved in successful and sustainable material management. Households and businesses do their part to separate recyclable materials from their trash. We do our part to collect, sort, and process them into high-quality raw materials for manufacturers to use in new products. We also serve as public advocates for the advancement of materials manufacturing and recovery. Recycling works best when we all play our parts well.
Recycling Services:
- Recycling Collection and Processing Services
- Industrial/Specialty Recycling
- Managing Non-Salable Consumer Goods
- Mattress Recycling
- Public Advocacy
- Brokerage Services

Our Resource Solutions team, which includes certified TRUE Zero Waste advisors, provides value-added professional services to customers nationwide designing and delivering sustainable material management to over 10,000 locations across the US that make both environmental and economic sense.
Professional Services:
- Multi-Site Account Management
- Consolidated Billing and Reporting
- Sustainability and Resource Management Consulting
- Sourcing and Third Party Logistics
- Specialty Recycling
- On-site Services
- Emergency Services
- Product Destruction
- Chain of Custody and Certificates of Destruction
We are constantly evaluating new technologies and services to manage society’s residual waste streams including biosolids, paper fiber, ash, and food byproducts. Our extensive line of earthlife® products are all eco-friendly, sustainable options for your soil health and growing needs.
Organics Services:
- Agronomic Services
- Composting
- Depackaging
- Food Waste Collection
- Land Application
- Residuals Management

Sustainable material management would not be possible without safe and dependable collection service. We operate a network of over 1,000 collection vehicles across the Northeast that extend from western New York to northern Maine. We prioritize reducing the impacts of our own operations, focusing particularly on fuel efficiency and environmental compliance.
Collection Services:
- Business/Commercial
- Curbside Residential
- Dumpster Rental
- Municipal
- Industrial/Construction
- Institutional
A wealth of renewable energy sources from biogas to solar and thermal energy offer a way to power homes, businesses, and even vehicles while using fewer fossil fuels.
Energy Services:
- Landfill Gas-to-Energy
- Renewable Natural Gas

With a deep commitment to reuse and recycling, many of our customers are working to dramatically reduce the material they need to dispose of. However, today these customers continue to call upon us to provide safe, secure, and affordable disposal options. All of our disposal facilities focus on exceeding regulatory standards and industry practices as part of our Low Emission Landfill initiative to ensure the smallest impact possible on the environment.
Landfill Services:
- Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
- Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris
- Soils
- Special Waste
Leading the Way in Mattress Recycling
In 2021, the Willimantic MRF, in cooperation with the Mattress Recycling Council (MRC), processed more than 4,300 tons of mattresses for recycling. The Willimantic MRF, one of two mattress recycling facilities in the state, has contributed to the collection and processing of over 1 million mattresses in Connecticut since 2015. This commitment to sustainability has diverted materials from landfills and incinerators, helped to reduce illegal dumping, and created jobs in the recycling industry. The Willimantic MRF has also contributed to the conservation of resources, as more than 75% of a mattress (steel, wood, foam, etc.) can be recycled into other products.

Celebrating Our Casella Superfans
Since the initial launch in early Summer 2021, the Super Fan boxes have taken on a life of their own spreading good cheer and the Casella brand both far and wide. From birthday parties and play dates to friendly random acts of kindness, more than 500 boxes have been ordered and delivered by various divisions throughout our region. For many young children, their local drivers in the Connecticut area provide a regular sense of joy and example of hard work and dedication. Some even consider them real life superheroes and love receiving the boxes that include items such as a child-sized Casella baseball hat and safety vest, along with a toy recycling container, matchbox garbage truck, coloring book, and set of crayons.
Community Impact
In celebration of Green Up Day, members of our Willimantic, CT division hit the local streets, parks, and recreational walking trails to help clean up their local community by picking up trash and debris. Over a span of several weeks, the team collected and removed over 80 bags of litter.

Sustainable Innovation
In 2023, the State of Connecticut surpassed 1.5 million mattresses recycled since enacting a law requiring mattress manufacturers to manage unwanted mattress in 2015. Over the last year, in partnership with the Mattress Recycling Council (MRC), Casella recycled over 2 million pounds of metal, more than 1.2 million pounds of wood, nearly 1 million pounds of foam, and 50,000 pounds of cotton through its Willimantic MRF, one of two mattress recycling facilities in the State.

World Finance Sustainability Award
World Finance Magazine annually honors companies across a dozen categories ranging from Insurance and Banking to Corporate Governance. Recently, as the issue of climate change rose to the top of the global agenda and businesses across the globe began to take real action to tackle climate change, World Finance introduced its inaugural Sustainability Awards, to honor companies that show a commitment to environmentalism and sustainability and are making the business world a much greener place. Casella is the first vertically integrated solid waste, recycling, and resource management services company to earn the award in the Waste Management Category.