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Bethlehem, NH Landfill

Drop-off Hours:

Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

NCES Landfill

A state of the art 51-acre development essential for satisfying the long-term waste disposal needs of New Hampshire residents.


To report concerns related to the NCES Landfill, please call 978-616-6379

What Should I Expect When Calling the Casella Hotline?
When utilizing Casella’s hotline to report a concern regarding the landfill, please be prepared to provide; your name, phone number, address of observation, date of observation, time of observation, type of observation, and if applicable whether or not you grant permission for staff to enter your property to assess the observation.

NCES Landfill Serves New Hampshire

Upcoming Event Dates

FREE Household Hazardous Waste Day: August 20, 9 am - 1 pm

The Trudeau Road transfer station is open to all Bethlehem residents free of charge as a benefit of the Casella operations in Bethlehem. Bethlehem residents must bring 2 forms of identification to the transfer station for proof of residency to enroll for use. In addition to the use of the transfer station, all Bethlehem residents also receive free curbside trash and recycling removal if desired. New or current residents who would like to enroll for curbside pick-up services must call North Country Environmental Offices at 603-869-3366.


FREE Tours of our Materials Recovery Facility: TBD

Come see Casella’s Rutland, Vermont material recovery facility in action! This multi-million dollar recycling facility receives, separates and prepares recyclable materials to be turned into new products and put to beneficial use. Last year, Casella processed over 650,000 tons of recyclables, some of it captured in the North Country.

Tours dates are TBD. Transportation and lunch will be provided and space is limited. For more information, please contact Rebecca Metcalf at or 603-869-7287.


FREE NCES Open House: Saturday, October 7

10:00 AM-2:00 PM (Rain or Shine)

581 Trudeau Rd
Bethlehem, NH

Tour the facility and learn how modern landfills operate. Ask our experts about landfill operations and find out how you can help reduce landfill waste through our recycling, composting, and electronic waste programs. The informational open house will include:

  • Landfill tours via shuttles
  • Interactive Resource Rover
  • Aerial drone tour presentations
  • Informational booths on gas-to-energy, geothermal, gas collections systems, recycling, and water and air permitting
  • BBQ lunch
  • Touch-A-Truck
  • Games and prizes for all ages!


or call 603-869-7287

Landfill Gas Collection - RUDARPA

  • Breaking ground this Spring, Liberty United, a NH natural gas company, is partnering with RUDARPA Inc, to create one of the first and largest renewable energy projects in New England. The NCES landfill will be supplying this clean, locally produced renewable fuel to over 90,000 homes and businesses in New Hampshire.

Award-Winning Geothermal Heating System

  • In 2013, the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists recognized Kevin Roy and his team for developing “first of its kind” landfill based geothermal heating system at NCES. This system uses geothermal loops to provide a constant heat source to the maintenance shop and greenhouse where local school programs are able to use the facility for education.

Wastack Artificial Intelligence Bird Control

Wastack's Bird Control Tower can detect, position and deter birds automatically. It uses machine vision to detect the presence of the animal, and artificial intelligence to decide which tool to use at the right time. This is a human-like approach to keep scaring birds away and reduce their habituation to scaring tactics. The tower can currently use three different tools, a laser that can point toward the ground next to birds, sound scarers that use predatory or distresses calls, or gas canon, that imitates a gunshot. All those methods are harmless for the animals and voluntarily generate fear to protect the wildlife from their instincts to feed on the trash.

Bethlehem Casella Landfill was the first landfill in the US to adopt this technology in the Spring of 2019. Their team quickly understood the principles of the tools and placed them strategically. They reached a 90% bird reduction within the year, and it was consistent across species including seagulls, crows, and wild-turkeys that were no longer feeding on the wastes. That is possible thanks to three key factors, Wastack Bird Control System operates from sunrise to sunset and ensures continuous protection to the landfill, the operation teams cover properly the wastes to reduce the attraction to the animals, and the facility is kept clean at all times. These results benefit the whole community at Bethlehem, NH. Casella team at Bethlehem also opens its doors to Wastack engineers to test their newest innovations on-site that will tomorrow hit the North American market.

"We are particularly proud of the partnership we established with the Casella Bethlehem team. They are open to innovations, risks, and they are generous feedbacks givers. Thanks to them, we've been able to speed up our product and market development." Julien Chosson, CEO of Wastack

"Casella Bethlehem team is representative of what's best in the waste industry. They are environmentally conscious and dedicated to protecting it, their facility is clean, their mindset is oriented toward the future of recycling and composting while understanding the constraints of our economy. They created an environment that promotes innovations that matters." Mathieu Hamel, CTO of Wastack

Address & Phone:

581 Trudeau Road
Bethlehem, NH 03574

North Country Environmental Offices: 603-869-3366
NCES Bethlehem Transfer Station: 603-869-7325


Hours of Operation:

Tuesday - Thursday 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed: July 4th, Christmas Day & New Years Day


What is accepted at the NCES Transfer Station?

  • Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), all household waste with the following exceptions: oil-based paint, household chemicals, anti-freeze, thinners. These items are accepted on Household Hazardous Waste Day, 6/27/20
  • Electronic Waste; TV, stereo, cell phone, computer, fluorescent bulbs, thermostats, thermometers, smoke detectors, etc… please give these items to the transfer station attendant for proper disposal.
  • Household appliances and furniture, tires and metal waste; mattresses, couches, stoves, refrigerators, etc… are free of charge at the transfer station.
  • Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D) must go over the scales and are charged per ton.
  • Any building materials, used or new, windows, doors, insulation, sheetrock, roofing, shingles, plywood, framing, toilet, sinks, etc ….
  • Asbestos is prohibited from disposal at this facility.

Please call the NCES Transfer Station at 603-869-7325 or NCES Offices at 603-869-3366 for any questions on what is accepted at this facility.


Learn More

Items accepted at this location:

Please familiarize yourself with all acceptable and unacceptable materials listed below prior to visiting this location.
Bulky Items
(such as furniture, appliances, mattresses, carpet, and tires)
Construction & Demolition Debris
Food Scraps
(such as fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, oils, coffee, and prepared foods)
(such as cardboard, paper, plastics, metal cans, and glass)
(such as household waste)

Items NOT accepted at this location:

If you have a material that is not accepted at this location please find another location, or for more information, contact your local municipality.
Electronic Waste
(such as TVs, monitors, computers, printers, stereos)
Hazardous Waste
(such as chemicals, paint, and cleaning fluids)
Scrap Metal
(such as White Goods and Scrap Metal)
Universal Waste
(such as batteries, ballasts, and light bulbs)
Yard Waste
(such as brush, leaves, and lawn clippings)
581 Trudeau Rd
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Driving Directions
Pay your Bill:
PO Box 1371
Williston, VT 05495-1371
Pay Online
Bethlehem, NH Landfill

2025 Holiday Schedule

Holiday Date Customer Service is... Service Schedule
Customer Care
  • Phone: (888) 852-2151
  • Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 5:00pm
  • Sat: 8:00am - 12:00pm
  • Phone: (802) 438-2151
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM