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2030 Sustainability Goals

By achieving our 2030 goals we benefit our customers and communities while positioning our company to thrive and grow.

Our Commitments

Two Casella workers sorting recycling waste on a conveyor belt.

Materials Management

RESOURCE SOLUTIONS: Grow our Resource Solutions business to reduce, reuse, or recycle over 2 million tons of solid waste materials per year by 2030

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A Casella worker inspects machines monitoring GHG emissions.

Climate Leadership

GHG EMISSIONS: Further reduce our carbon footprint, measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) from scopes 1 and 2 with a 2022 baseline

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A Casella EV waste truck.

Sustainable Operations

FUEL EFFICIENCY: Improve our fuel efficiency, reducing our gigajoules of fuel consumed per ton of waste and recycling collected by 20% below a 2019 baseline

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A employee checking the tiers on a Casella waste truck.

Essential Workers

HEALTH & SAFETY: Improve our safety performance, reducing our Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), a measure of recordable incidents compared to hours worked

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Casella providing sponsorship support to local community team.

Community Engagement

EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERING: Increase volunteering in our communities, as measured by employee volunteer hours

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2024 Sustainability Report

1.4M+ Tons

Recycled per year

32% Reduction

In carbon emissions

14,000 Hours

Employee volunteering

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A Casella recycle facility with a forklift moving the recycled products Two Casella workers working with recycling waste on a conveyor belt. A small yellow forklift loads recycle  materials into a hopper in an recycle facility Recycled products on the floor at a recycle facility.

Materials Management

When we work with our customers to recycle more and waste less, we can protect climate, habitat, and biodiversity here at home and throughout global supply chains.

We work with our customers to reduce, reuse, and recycle their solid waste. By growing this business, we help to achieve customer goals, preserve natural resources, conserve limited disposal capacity, and contribute to the emerging circular economy.

The 1.4 million tons we recycled last year included a mix of traditional recycling, industrial recycling, municipal organics, food waste, and other materials.

We work to grow this number by extending recycling services into new markets, innovating new recycling solutions, and supporting more customers on their path to zero waste.

Our goal is to grow our Resource Solutions business to reduce, reuse, and recycle over 2 million tons of solid waste materials per year by 2030. 

A drone flying over a landfill A worker holding up two sample containers and comparing them A worker working at a Casella landfill Pipes at a Casella recycling facility

Climate Leadership

We provide climate leadership by reducing emissions from our facilities and fleets, and by avoiding emissions elsewhere in the economy through our services.

Between 2005 and 2010, we cut our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 45%, as a charter member of the EPA Climate Leaders program. From 2010 to 2022, we cut our emissions by another 32%. By continuing to reduce emissions from our customers’ waste, we are lightening our footprint, while also inventing and investing in the low carbon resource management systems that will serve society into the future.

We reduce direct emissions from our facilities by continuing to enhance our capture and recovery of landfill gas, by improving the efficiency of our collection fleet, and by using energy efficiently in our facilities.

Our goal is to further reduce our scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions to 12% below 2022 by 2030.

Net Climate Benefit 

For every ton of greenhouse gas we emit through our operations, our services prevent an estimated 5.6 tons of greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere in the economy.

A Casella waste truck driving through a residential neighborhood Fuel pumps for Casellas trucks A driver in a Casella waste truck with the dashboard and control panel in the middle. A Casella waste truck parked in front of a forest charging.

Sustainable Operations

Everyone wins when we provide safe and reliable service while using less fuel and cutting emissions. 

Through improved routing and vehicle automation, we are cutting the amount of fuel required to move society’s waste.

Improving fuel efficiency is important because it lets us reduce our reliance on fossil fuel, cut emissions, reduce heavy duty vehicle traffic, and innovate new solutions to serve our communities.

We are working to save fuel with route efficiency projects, fleet automation, and ongoing pilot work with alternative fuel vehicles.

Our goal is to improve our fuel efficiency – per ton of waste and recycling collected – to 20% below 2019 by 2030. 

A worker welding a dumpster. Three workers standing and talking in a parking lot of trucks. An employee sitting down in a tuck at the wheel smiling towards the passenger Two workers looking at the same computer screen in an office

Essential Workers

A safe and engaged workforce is essential. When we are of service to each other, we can bring the highest level of service to our customers and the environment. 

The men and women of the waste and recycling industry provide an essential service to society. By keeping our communities clean and recovering resources for new uses, these essential workers make modern life possible. Our daily focus is to serve our customers and communities in a way that protects the health and safety of our people.

Our approach to safety and engagement includes many exciting programs, including our Power of Hard Work campaign and our Kenneth Hier CDL and Technician training school. With these programs and others, we are creating paths to rewarding employment and instilling a culture of safety across our organization. 

Our goal is to improve our safety performance, reducing our Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), a measure of recordable incidents compared to hours worked, to 4.0 by 2030. 

Two workers standing in an office with food donations on the table. A indoor Casella play place for children with a giant toy garbage truck One person standing at the end of the lake while another person in a boat filled with trash pulls up. Two people holding a large Casella donation check.

Community Engagement

We are driven to make a difference by investing in the communities where we live and work through community giving, employee volunteering, and educational outreach. 

We strive to bring value to our customers through outstanding service and by creating and sharing value with our communities. 

Casella employees volunteer over 14,000 hours per year in activities that include litter clean-ups, recycling education, community events, and time served with local non-profits. We work to support these efforts with a new employee volunteering platform and a team of local leaders dedicated to organizing volunteering opportunities where we can all come together in support of our communities. 

In addition to volunteering, we work to thoughtfully contribute to our communities through charitable donations, in-kind services, and community sponsorships. In 2024, we announced the establishment of The Casella Foundation to support this important work. 
Our community engagement goal is to increase employee volunteering in our communities to 21,000 hours per year by 2030. 

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