Local governments recognize that the cost of building and maintaining expensive, complex facilities to manage solid waste and recycling are burdensome.
After incurring substantial debt, and finding themselves forced to operate in a highly competitive marketplace against more focused and nimble competitors, they have found it difficult to cover the cost of debt and operations. The solution is to establish a partnership with a skilled waste management company; a partnership that will allow the municipality to address critical fiscal issues and at the same time secure long-term solutions to its homeowners' and business' waste disposal and recycling needs.

Let Casella help you.

In many cities, towns and counties across the Northeast, Casella is the partner of choice for managing waste and recycling. We offer a wide variety of solutions to help you create efficiencies including planning, implementation, reporting and continuous improvement recommendations. The net result is reduced environmental and administrative costs and an improved sustainability image that enhances your community, no matter how big or small.

Casella Organics specializes in the management of biosolids and residuals, servicing nearly 100 waste water treatment and water treatment facilities in the Northeast, many of them municipally owned or operated.

Our team can partner with you to...

  • Reduce your community's environmental impact and save money by offering a single, private service that is built into the tax rate, eliminating unsustainable municipal garbage pickup or multiple resident subscriptions
  • Manage your assets such as landfills, transfer stations and recycling facilities
  • Handle waste and recycling needs for municipal departments such as public works, parks and recreation and city hall
  • Increase recycling and diversion rates
  • Reduce long-term liabilities and risks
  • Keep your community clean, safe and attractive, improving its reputation and image

Case Studies

Casella In Action

Clinton County, New York Case Study
Clinton County, NY improved environmental conditions while saving their citizens millions.
Town of Holden, Massachusetts Case Study
Holden, MA became the first community in central Massachusetts to implement single-stream recycling in curbside collection.
Waste Services
Trash collection and disposal. Rental, sales and service of equipment including dumpsters, compactors and balers.
Resource Management Services
Resource management best practices consulting and implementation. Detailed reporting and zero waste action planning.
Diversion Services
Zero-Sort© recycling, source-separated recycling, electronic recycling, organics, composting and anaerobic digestion.
Special Waste Service
Safe and cost effective handling of special wastes including universal waste, asbestos, contaminated soils and PCB bulk wast.