Property managers face daily challenges of juggling maintenance responsibilities while meeting the service expectations of many different types of customers. Open Breadcrumb configuration options
Large volumes of waste must to be handled efficiently so as not to become an eyesore. Much of the waste is potentially recyclable and the composition, along with customers' expectations, vary greatly from tenant to tenant.

Let Casella Help You

At many property management companies throughout the East Coast, Casella is the partner of choice for managing your waste and recycling effectively.

Our team can partner with you to...

  • Provide uniform service across multiple properties, whether residential or commercial, big or small
  • De-clutter and keep your properties clean, safe, streamlined and well-maintained, adding value to your holdings
  • Effectively manage your budget by increasing recycling and diversion rates

Case Studies

Casella In Action

Beacon Capital Partners Case Study
Beacon Capital implemented a company-wide solid waste and recycling management program creating savings of over 45% per month.
Waste Services
Trash collection and disposal. Rental, sales and service of equipment including dumpsters, compactors and balers.
Resource Management Services
Resource management best practices consulting and implementation. Detailed reporting and zero waste action planning.
Diversion Services
Zero-Sort® recycling, source-separated recycling, electronic recycling, organics, composting and anaerobic digestion.
Special Waste Services
Safe and cost effective handling of special wastes including universal waste, asbestos, contaminated soils and PCB bulk waste.